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Like many websites, Italofile links out to many pages and products via affiliate links. If you make a purchase through one of these links, we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Affiliate links help us earn money to maintain this site.

If youโ€™re not sure how affiliate links work, this article explains it.

As an Amazon Associate, Italofile may earn a commission from qualifying purchases. This includes purchases through the Italofile Shop on Amazon and through links on Italofile.

Affiliate Partnership Disclosure

Here are some but not all of the companies that Italofile has recommended through affiliate links to products and services.

AC Milan USA



A large portion of Italofileโ€™s audience lives in the United States and so does itโ€™s owner. So the majority of goods and services are available for purchase in the US. Of course, Italofile also highlights products from Italy and promotes Italian and Italian-inspired items from merchants in the UK, Australia, and Canada.
