ancient rome
The Coolest View of the Colosseum

The Colosseum is a fascinating structure no matter where you view it. But my favorite perch from which to view the Colosseum has to be on this footbridge that spans the busy streets of the Monti neighborhood. The footbridge is hardly a secret -- you'll find handfuls of tourists here at all ...

The Atlas of Ancient Rome: Your New Favorite Coffee Table Book

The Atlas of Ancient Rome, a gorgeous, new two-volume set edited by Andrea Carandini, promises to be an "authoritative archeological survey of Rome from prehistory to the early medieval period." The slip-cased set is available now. One of the more than 500 detailed illustrations in ...

You Now Have to Pay to See Rome’s “Mouth of Truth”

Truth is, it was bound to happen. Church officials at Santa Maria in Cosmedin, site of Rome's "Mouth of Truth" (Bocca della Verita), have decided to charge visitors €2 for the pleasure of taking one (just one!) photo with the ancient sewer cover. Visitors will still be able to enter the church, ...
