Archaeologists Uncover Roman Mosaic Under Veneto Vineyard
Archaeologists working in a vineyard outside of Verona have uncovered a well-preserved Roman mosaic floor. The discovery was announced on the Facebook page of the Comune di Negrar di Valpolicella.
“After countless decades of failed attempts, part of the pavement and foundations of the Roman villa located north of the capital, discovered by scholars over a century ago, has finally been brought to light,” announced the municipality.
According to, archaeologists were aware of the 3rd century AD Roman villa in the 1920s. But it had been lost to time, layers of dirt, and eventually a vineyard.
In 2019 a new team of archaeologists, under the direction of Gianni de Zuccato, returned again to the Valpolicella hills to search for the villa, only to have their project halted in February 2020 when the coronavirus emergency took effect. When the archaeological team were able to resume their work in May, it took only a week to stumble upon the colorful, intact mosaic floor.
The town of Negrar di Valpolicella is located about 12km northwest of the UNESCO city of Verona.
Last updated on May 2nd, 2021Post first published on May 27, 2020