The Atlas of Ancient Rome: Your New Favorite Coffee Table Book

Atlas of Ancient Rome
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The Atlas of Ancient Rome, a gorgeous, new two-volume set edited by Andrea Carandini, promises to be an “authoritative archeological survey of Rome from prehistory to the early medieval period.” The slip-cased set is available now.

One of the more than 500 detailed illustrations in Carandini's The Atlas of Ancient Rome
One of the more than 500 detailed illustrations in Carandini’s Atlas of Ancient Rome

The Princeton University Press announced the release of the book on its blog with the following description:

Transport yourself to antiquity with full-color maps, drawings, photos, and 3D reconstructions of the Eternal City, featuring descriptions of the fourteen regions of Rome and the urban history of each in unprecedented detail. Included are profiles and reconstructions of more than 500 major monuments and works of art, such as the Sanctuary of Vesta, the domus Augusti, and the Mausoleum of Augustus.

There is also a book trailer for The Atlas of Ancient Rome. Watch below or click here.

Source: Coming soon: The Atlas of Ancient Rome

Last updated on December 10th, 2019

Post first published on January 12, 2017

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