Saint Lucifer of Cagliari: His Life and Legacy
Saint Lucifer was a bishop from Cagliari, Sardinia, who lived during the 4th century. His name sparks a lot of confusion.
Saint Lucifer was a bishop from Cagliari, Sardinia, who lived during the 4th century. His name sparks a lot of confusion.
We admire Italy’s art and monuments for color, style, and the skillfulness of their creators. But the gruesome stories that many of these famous works depict are a reminder of real human suffering.
If you know me, you’ll know that I am nuts about religious relics. And if you know David Farley’s book “An Irreverent Curiosity,” you’ll know immediately why that first line is a wee bit funny. I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Farley in Manhattan to discuss his book, which has the tag…
For every Biblical tale and saintly life, there is at least one precious relic housed in Rome, the Vatican, or in one of Italy’s thousands of churches.