Rome is often called an outdoor museum. But the capital also has dozens of museums to explore, not only in the Centro Storico but beyond the walls.
Helping us locate all of these museums and galleries is a new map showing Rome’s museums as they relate to metro stops.
Featured on the map are well-known museums, such as the Capitoline (Metro B, Colosseo) and the Musei Vaticani (Metro A, Cipro), as well as smaller, far-flung museums. While the Rome museum map doesn’t list every museum in Rome, it could be useful should you be caught in the rain without a plan or simply looking for something new to do.
Behind the design of the handy map are the folks at Giulia Sotto La Metro and the Scuola Internazionale di Teatro all’Improvviso (La SITI). Back in November, Giulia Sotto La Metro and La SITI created a similar metro map of Rome’s theater venues. So, if you enjoy plays, musicals, and improv, bookmark this metro map of Rome theaters.
Last updated on November 19th, 2019
Post first published on January 26, 2017